October 1
Napoli, Italy
We have toured Pompeii. At the time of the eruption of Vesuvius it was a city of about 13,000. The eruption, in 79AD spewed a blanket of poisonous gas over the city (and 8 others) and then buried the town in about 20 feet of ash. 100 acres of the city have been dug up. If Ephesus was impressive, this site is about five times so. Naples is a port, bustling, overflowing with people, cars, and motorcycles and scooters. Walking here is an exercise in daring and terror. Italian drivers do not so much drive as aim.
Something odd has happened to me. I am puffed up like a stomped on toad frog. I think it is something in the Mediterranean air. Jane thinks it has something to do with my daily consumption of about 6,000 calories. I suppose it is just possible---just slightly possible---she may be right.
The archeological site at Pompeii continues to be excavated. We enjoyed the great good fortune of being among the first to see new diggings. We were allowed to see the tomb and mausuleam of the great Pompeiian pro consul Antonius Sopranius. He had been elected four straight times before dying a sudden and violent death. He is credited with being the first leader to implement the enforcement of his rule by utilization of hittus mannus. His most famous hittus mannus, of course, was Pussius Bonspiere. Sadly, Pussius came to a sad end. He tried to corner the Egyptian cotton market on his own, failed, and found himself heavily in debt. He sold himself as a spy to Roman interests who wanted to depose the great Antonius Sopranius. Antonius discovered Pussius' treachery and disappeared him. Pussius sleeps with the fishius.
Onward to Rome tomorrow.
Bona Sera, mi amore.
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