Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Marti, Bacardi, and Gaudi Tour 2007

October 17
Final Entry

We must get to the bottom of the Saint Marti story. We checked the internet but didn't find anything definitive quickly so we called our faithful guide from Florence, Felipo. He referred us directly to his brother, Father Roberto, who works in the Vatican for the Pope as a historian and political advisor.
We called Father Roberto and he gave us the straight skinny on Saint Marti.
We recorded our phone conversation with him.
"Hello. Father Roberto?"
"This is Phil Marti. Your brother referred us to you. We have discovered there is a Saint Marti. Can you tell us about him?"
"Will you tell us about him?"
"Are you Catholic?"
"No, but I wear sandals a lot during the summer, and we know Father John Lager personally."
"Papa John? You aknowa Papa John?"
"Yes, we do. He prayed for us at our wedding. He wears sandals, too, sometimes."
"Si, si. Yoo giva monee to deh Capachins?"
"Yes, Father Roberto. Many times."
"Alrightee den. Ahma tella yoo abowt de Santa Marti, eben do yoo notta good Catholic. Eben do yoo a heathen."
I took a deep breath.
"De Santa Marti, he wowsa poh parish priesta ina village by Barcelona, ina Espana. He wowsa bery poh becowz he hadda de five dowdas, and hadda beena marry two time. Twice!! He wowsanta bery smart. Butta he wowsa good man. He work bery hard and try bery hard, worka alla time. Alla time. Pray and work, and hava dowdas. And den, he haza worka widda hizza seesta who lives ina same town, of cowrze, and she keepa good detail ona everyting. Anda so, nows heza haffa two wife, five dowda, ana a seesta. Den, ina his church, heza has tree nuns heza worka wif evry day, de Seesta Jilleo, de Seesta Pameo, ana de Seesta StarzaInaSky. Dey waza needy and demandin kinda wimmens. So, yoo see, dissa poh fello heza surround bya de wimmenh alla hizza life. Poh fello. Wella, ona day de Pup, heza hear abowt dis fello, Papa Marti, and hizza whole story and de Pup, heza say' "Ow, dizza poh man. He musta be a Saint!!" And, den, whaddayooknow, de nex day, de Pup, he die. And de Cardinals, dey heard him say dizza poh fello, he musta be a Saint, ana de alla say, "Dis musta bin de Pup's dying wish, and so, dey maka de poh fello Papa Marti, de Saint Marti, de Patron Saint of many dowdas and many wimmens. And dere yoo hava it."


Go Rockies!!!

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