Friday, May 1, 2009

I'll have a chicken sandwich, fries and the afternoon with my Grand Daughters

I have a large dislike of Burger King. I really do.

I have never had one meal there that hasn't given me horrible indigestion.

But, if it means that I get to spend a couple of hours crawling around the BK playground with my Granddaughters than I will put up with a little heartburn.

The weather was iffy so the back up plan was lunch and the play area inside BK. They loved it. don't need all that fancy equipment at places like Jump or Fort Fun and pay through the nose when you local lunchery has enough tunnels, slides and soft matting (no skinned knees)to sufficiently wear them (and you) to a frazzle!

It was fairly uncrowded for a Saturday at lunch time. The girls had the room almost to themselves. This was a good thing considering you couldn't stick a stick between the two of them at first. They had to do everything together. Climb into the tunnel, sit on the slide, slide down the slide....over and over again.

Actually the youngest was a little more brave...I think she would have dove in head first if it would have been a pool. But her older cousin only took a couple of turns down the slide before it was old hat.

It was a photo op for Grams, a little rest for Mom/Auntie and a place for them to burn off some serious energy and get a few chicken fries and mac and cheese (yes BK has mac and cheese)on the side.

They enjoyed themselves, each other's company and were on there best behavior...even with the kids that eventually showed up to invade "their" space. It was very sweet.

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