This past weekend I spent some time in Estes Park with my friends Jeff and Tina Graham.
Jeff's mother is a artist (painter) and was suppose to be part of a studio tour but she mixed the weekends and ended up being out of town so Jeff and I held down the fort trying to peddle our own wears. He with his engraving and me with my piddly checkbook covers. Due to poor attendance the weekend lacked a sale for any of us with the exception of the two water color originals that I bought of Mrs. Graham's. After knowing the Grahams for over 30 years I was way over due!
The weekend was not a total loss. The Grahams have a lovely home with a beautiful view in Estes. It was very peaceful and the promise of elks sightings had me anxious for the evening to come on Saturday. Well, it came and went and no elk! A few deer in the distance and more eagles, hawks and mountain blue birds than I could count but no elk. Until on my way home on Sunday.
This had to be the most incredible sight I've every witnessed of the wild life kind.
There was a small crowd standing on the sidewalk next to the golf course. I was following Tina out the "back way" and all of a sudden she is pointing at the golf course. There lay the biggest animal I think I've ever seen. My jaw hit my lap and I about wrecked my car! He was massive. Fortunately, one of the golfers had the good sense to pull his gold cart a little closer so there was something to "compare" his size too. The photo still just doesn't do it. He was beautiful.
So, here is the photo of the elk and one of my favorites which I hope to send to Mrs. Graham to have her paint.