Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Marti, Bacardi, and Gaudi Tour 2007

October 17
Final, Final Entry (Kind of like genuine fake as opposed to fake fake)

I would be remiss if I did not mention we encountered evidence of Martis in Italy (around Rome and Florence) all over Catalan Spain, and, of course, the bunch in Switzerland. So, apparently, Martis have been kicked out of several places over the centuries, but, I want to address the O'Briens and their ilk.
The Irish are ubiquitous. We found an Irish pub INSIDE THE WALLS OF THE MEDIEVAL CITY OF DUBROVNIK! INSIDE! Along the marble walkways, beside the stores of crafts, around the corner from the church. And, we found Irish pubs galore in the small port of Kusadasi, Turkey, and in Naples, and everywhere in Rome (across from Trevi fountain and across from the Vatican! The Vatican!!) In Florence, Irish pubs flourish in view of Michealangelo's David. In Barcelona, on a three block pedestrian pathway connecting La Rambla to the Barrio Gottic, there are FOUR!!
The Irish (and O'Briens) are everywhere. And everywhere they go they take their booze and try to foist it onto the local public at large.
God love em.
That is all.

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